Viral Licenses: Dangers for enterprise apps and how to avoid them

Viral Licenses


1.0 Introduction to the topicа

What are viral licenses?

2.1 Definition and examples
2.2 GNU General Public License (GPL)
2.3 Other viral licenses

Why are viral licenses dangerous for enterprise apps?

3.1 Legal consequences
3.2 Negative impact on intellectual property.
3.3 Reputational damage

Role of the project manager in the management of licenses.

4.1. challenges for project managers
4.2. best practices for license management

Risks for software developers using viral licenses.

5.1 Ignorance about licenses.
5.2. lack of communication within the team
5.3. time pressure and priorities

How to prevent the use of viral licenses.

6.1 Training and awareness of licenses.
6.2. use of open source compliance tools
6.3. regular reviews and audits

Case studies: Companies affected by viral licenses.

7.1 Cisco and the GPL
7.2. VMware and the GPL
7.3. Xiaomi and the GPL

Summary of key findings.





1.1 Introduction to the Topicа

In today’s technology-driven world, companies are increasingly using open source software to achieve their business goals. But using software that is under viral licenses can pose significant legal, financial, and reputational risks. This article explains the dangers of viral licenses for enterprise apps, highlights the role of the project manager and software developers in avoiding these risks, and presents strategies for preventing license violations.

What are viral licenses?

2.1 Definition and examples

Viral licenses, also known as “copyleft” licenses, are software licenses that impose certain conditions on the use and distribution of software. These terms state that any derivative or modified version of the software must be distributed under the same license terms, leaving the source code open and free.

2.2 GNU General Public License (GPL)

The best known viral license is the GNU General Public License (GPL). It requires that any modified or derived version of software licensed under GPL also be licensed under the GPL. This means that developers who include GPL software in their products must disclose the source code of their own software and offer it under the same conditions

2.3 Other Viral Licenses

In addition to the GPL, there are other viral licenses, such as the Affero General Public License (AGPL) and the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Each of these licenses has its own terms and requirements that must be considered when using open source software.

Why are viral licenses dangerous for enterprise apps?

3.1 Legal Consequences

Using viral licensed software without complying with the terms of the license can lead to costly legal battles. Companies that violate these licenses risk lawsuits, fines, and possibly even loss of intellectual property.

3.2 Negative impact on intellectual property

Compliance with viral licenses may require companies to disclose their source code. This can affect the competitive advantage of proprietary software and reduce the value of intellectual property.

3.3 Reputational Damage

Viral license violations can also damage a company’s reputation. Customers and partners may lose confidence in the company’s ability to act responsibly and in compliance with the law.

Role of the project manager in managing licenses


4.1 Challenges for Project Managers

Project managers are tasked with keeping track of the software licenses in use and ensuring that all requirements are met. In doing so, they may encounter challenges such as the complexity of the licensing landscape, the lack of knowledge about licenses, and the need to coordinate with different teams and stakeholders.

4.2 Best practices for license management

To ensure software license compliance, project managers should:

    • Provide training on licenses for development teams


    • Maintain clear communication about licensing requirements


    • Use tools to monitor and manage licenses


    • Conduct regular audits to identify potential violations early


Risks for software developers using viral licenses


5.1 Ignorance about licenses

A major reason for license violations is lack of knowledge. Many developers are unaware of the terms and requirements of viral licenses, and thus can unintentionally jeopardize the entire project.

5.2 Lack of communication in the team

Another risk is insufficient communication within the development team. If developers do not talk openly about the use of open source software and the associated licenses, violations may go unnoticed and jeopardize the project.

5.3 Time pressure and priorities

Developers are often pressed for time and must set priorities. In such situations, attention to license requirements can take a back seat, increasing the risk of violations.

How to prevent the use of viral licenses


6.1 Training and awareness of licenses

To prevent the use of viral licenses, companies should educate their developers about the importance of software licenses and the potential consequences of violations. Regular training and workshops can raise awareness about licenses and reduce the likelihood of violations.

6.2 Using open source compliance tools

There are several tools that can help companies manage open source licenses. These tools automatically scan code for licensed software and help identify potential violations early on. Examples of such tools include Black Duck, FOSSA, and WhiteSource.

6.3 Regular reviews and audits

To ensure software license compliance, organizations should conduct regular internal and external audits. These audits can help uncover potential violations and take corrective action before they become serious problems.

Case studies: Companies affected by viral licenses

7.1 Cisco and the GPL

In 2008, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) sued Cisco Systems for violating the GPL and LGPL in its Linksys routers. Cisco eventually settled and took steps to ensure compliance with the licenses.

7.2 VMware and the GPL

In 2015, Linux kernel developer Christoph Hellwig sued VMware for violating the GPL. The case is still ongoing, but demonstrates the potential dangers associated with using viral licenses.

7.3. Xiaomi and the GPL

In 2016, Xiaomi was accused of violating the GPL by not releasing the kernel source code for some of their Android devices. After the issue gained attention, Xiaomi began providing kernel source code for many of their devices.

Important tips to avoid license violations


8.1 Develop an internal licensing policy

A clear internal licensing policy that outlines all requirements and best practices for the use of open source software and licenses can help reduce the risk of violations.

9.2 Training employees on licenses

Regular training and workshops for developers and project managers can help raise awareness of the importance of software licenses and the potential consequences of violations.

9.3 Collaborating with legal experts

Working with legal experts who specialize in software licensing can help companies better understand the legal requirements of licenses and avoid potential violations.

9.4 Monitoring the Open Source Community

Active participation and monitoring of the open source community can help keep abreast of new developments, best practices, and potential risks associated with the use of open source software and licenses.

9.5 Vetting suppliers and partners

It is important that companies also vet their suppliers and partners to ensure that they are not using viral licensed software that could put the company at risk.

Summary of key findings

Viral licenses can pose significant risks to organizations if not managed properly.
Project managers and software developers play a critical role in preventing license violations.
Training, open source compliance tools and regular audits can help prevent the use of viral licenses.
Using software that is under viral licenses can pose significant legal, financial and reputational risks. To mitigate these risks, it is important that organizations understand the importance of software licenses and implement best practices for managing licenses.


Using software that is under viral licenses can pose significant risks to organizations. To mitigate these risks, it is critical that companies, project managers and software developers understand the importance of software licenses and employ best practices to manage them. Working with legal experts, using open source compliance tools and conducting training and audits are some of the most important steps companies can take to avoid license violations and protect their projects and intellectual property.


Why is it important to understand viral licenses

It is important to understand viral licenses to avoid legal and financial risks, as well as damage to the company’s intellectual property and reputation. Companies need to ensure they meet the requirements of the licenses they use.

What role do project managers play in preventing license violations?

Project managers are responsible for keeping track of the software licenses they use and ensuring that all requirements are met. They should provide training on licenses to development teams, maintain clear communication about licensing requirements, and use tools to monitor and manage licenses.

How can software developers prevent the use of viral licenses?

Software developers can prevent the use of viral licenses by educating themselves about the terms and requirements of the licenses, openly communicating about the use of open source software and associated licenses, and considering license terms when selecting software solutions.

What are some examples of tools that can help in managing open source licenses?

Some examples of tools that can help manage open source licenses include Black Duck, FOSSA and WhiteSource. These tools automatically scan code for licensed software and help identify potential violations early.

How can companies ensure they are not using viral licensed software?

Organizations can prevent the use of viral licensed software by providing license training and awareness, using open source compliance tools, and conducting regular reviews and audits to identify and remediate potential violations early.